Announcing a Geovisual Analytics Workshop at GIScience 2018

New Directions in Geovisual Analytics: Visualization, Computation, and Evaluation

The ICA Commission on Visual Analytics is pleased to announce a Call For Papers for a pre-conference workshop to be held in conjunction with GIScience 2018 in Melbourne.

The theme of this workshop is New Directions in Geovisual Analytics: Visualization, Computation, and Evaluation.

Visit the GVIZ 2018 Workshop Website Here

This workshop focuses on eliciting and sharing nascent challenges in visual design, evaluation, and computation related to geovisual analytics. The core concept of this workshop is to focus on exploring ideas for new approaches – not simply to recap what has already been accomplished. Toward that end, workshop participants will be asked to submit extended abstracts that describe new research directions in visualization, evaluation, or computation (and may synthesize across these areas as well). We especially encourage high-risk ideas that have a potentially high-return in terms of scientific and social impact. Potential topics may include:

• New visual representation types in geovisual analytics
• Novel computational and visual methods for handling massive, streaming, spatiotemporal data
• Opportunities for integrating immersive environments and geovisual analytics
• Artistic approaches for expressing or interacting with big spatial data
• New approaches for integrating users in the design of geovisual analytics systems
• Ideas for integrating sensemaking into geovisual analytics

This workshop will have a discussion-centric format. Accepted talks will be given in short formats (10min or 5min in length) with an emphasis on having ample discussion and networking time connected to each series of talks.

The workshop will be held August 28, 2018 in Melbourne, Australia.

Extended abstracts (no longer than six pages using the GIScience 2018 format) will be due April 27, 2018.

A dedicated workshop website can be found here: 

Geovisual Analytics Sessions at AAG 2018

Call for Participation, ICA Visual Analytics Sponsored Sessions on Geovisual Analytics at AAG 2018

Organizers: Alexander (Sasha) Savelyev – Texas State,

Bo Zhao – Oregon State University,

International Cartographic Association (ICA) Commission on Visual Analytics

Specialty Group Sponsors: Cartography, Geographic Information Science and Systems, Spatial Analysis and Modeling


We invite papers on geovisual analytics to be included in a series of sessions atthe 2018 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting in New Orleans from April 10 – 14.

We invite contributions exploring theoretical and practical issues of geovisualization and geovisual analytics, with the broad goal of extending our understanding of interactive visual representations of geographic data that aim to boost spatial human reasoning.

Specific topics include (but are not limited to):

  • development of novel visualization and interaction metaphors,
  • visualization and use of uncertainty and context,
  • support of spatial decision support processes,
  • typology of spatial decision problems,
  • visualization of large, multidimensional datasets,
  • advances in geovisualization and geovisual analytics technology,
  • scalable and web-basedvisualization,
  • digital storytelling in geovisual analytics,
  • development of standards and benchmarks in geovisual analytics,
  • challenges in system design, adoption, and use, and
  • applied geovisualization and geovisual analytics (including areas such as climate change, crisis management, food and water security, epidemiology, etc.)


In addition to geographers, GIScientists, and cartographers, we welcome speakers from abroad range of disciplines, including submissions from students and junior scholars.

Submission Instructions and Deadlines:

1. Register and submit your abstract online following the AAG Guidelines.

2. Email your presenter identification number (PIN), paper title, and abstract to Alexander Savelyev ( by October 25, 2017.

3. Please use the email subject “VA CFP” to be assigned to a session.


2016 workshop news: VCMA@AGILE & SpatialVA@GIScience

A quick update on the two workshops that we are running this year:

We have just published the list of accepted papers at the Visually-Supported Computational Movement Analysis (VCMA2016) workshop in Helsinki, Finland (14 June 2016). The contributions were excellent, promising a high-quality workshop. Stay tuned for final updates at the VCMA2016 website or on twitter (#VCMA2016) and join us for the workshop (registration details are on the website, and a side note that this is a co-located workshop with the AGILE2016 conference, which has the honour to have the ICA President, Prof Menno-Jan Kraak, as the keynote speaker).

Our second workshop, Understanding Spatial Data (Big and Small) with Visual Analytics (SpatialVA2016), will take place in Montreal, Canada (27 Sept 2016) and we are delighted to have two prominent scientists as keynote speakers: Prof Sheelagh Carpendale from the University of Calgary and Prof Alan MacEachren from Penn State University.
There is still time to contribute to this workshop: the deadline has been extended to 29 April 2016. So submit a contribution and join us in Canada for a great event.

See you in Helsinki and Montreal!