2024 ICA Workshop on AI, Geovisualization, and Analytical Reasoning ⬩ CartoVis24

Call for Papers – CartoVis24

ICA Workshop on AI, Geovisualization, and Analytical Reasoning

University of Warsaw, Poland | September 7, 2024

It has been 20 years since visual analytics was first established as the science of analytical reasoning facilitated by interactive maps and visualizations. Since then, new models have been proposed to understand cognitive reasoning processes, new technologies have been released to support interactive, mobile, and immersive mapping, and new methods have been developed to examine and evaluate user experiences with analytical support systems. Given these rapid developments in the recent years, we call for research papers in cartography, visualization, geoAI, and allied design fields to capture the state-of-science on visuospatial analytical reasoning and its various contexts, including geovisualization and the role of artificial intelligence (AI).

Creating the conditions in which users are able to reason about spatial information is a difficult task, and there are many challenges to overcome. Analytical reasoning goes beyond simply noticing a pattern, and invokes a complex set of processes that aim to explain what has been seen, or to predict what will happen next. On the other hand, geovisualization makes geographic data actionable, transforming it to become visually-accessible and supporting iterative processes of exploration and analysis.

In the scope of this workshop, we invite short submissions (300-word abstracts or 2-page short papers). These submissions are expected to report on ongoing and emergent work that aims to tackle one of the many dimensions of cartography: specifically, we welcome those that relate to supporting geovisualization and analytical reasoning, including approaches that leverage AI methods applied at various stages: data processing, analysis, visualization generation and interpretation, as well as support in user perception interpretation. Broadly speaking, we are seeking work that focuses on understanding users, their cognitive processes, and/or their interactions with visual representations and computational methods via maps or geographic visualization. We welcome research that tackles these and related problem areas through computational, representational, artificial intelligence (AI), ethical, or contextual methodological lenses. This workshop will provide a forum in which new approaches and ideas can be discussed and where new research collaborations can be formed.

Early stage work is explicitly encouraged, especially by junior scholars or those who might be new to cartography.

This workshop represents the joint efforts of the University of Warsaw Department of Geoinformatics, Cartography, and Remote Sensing in collaboration with the International Cartographic Association Commissions on Cognitive Issues in Geographic Information VisualizationGeovisualization, and User Experience (UX), as well as the ICA Next Generation Cartographers Working Group.

Contributions & Formatting

We invite two kinds of contributions: First, we seek 2-page short research papers. These 2-page short papers should be prepared using the ACM Proceedings format. 2-page short paper submissions, if accepted, will have 10 minute slots for presentation and discussion. Second, we seek 300-word abstracts on work in progress. Abstracts will receive 5 minutes for a lightning talk presentation with discussion following all lightning talks. Selected papers may be encouraged for expansion into a special journal issue, depending on participation.

Short papers and abstracts will be reviewed by two program committee members to gauge appropriateness for the workshop.

Relevant Topics Include:

  • Geovisualization and visual analytics
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches in cartography and geovisualization
  • Storytelling for improved comprehension of geographic processes
  • Computational methods and algorithms in spatial analysis
  • User-centered design
  • Ethics, trust, and equity in cartography and geovisualization
  • Visuospatial cognition, reasoning, and sensemaking
  • Individual and group differences in spatial abilities
  • Wayfinding and navigation
  • Reasoning on the go with augmented and mixed realities
  • Visual variables and visual semiotics
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Immersive analytics
  • Explainable AI in geovisualization
  • Spatial decision support systems

Submission Details and Important Dates

Papers and abstracts should be submitted using our EasyChair site located at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cartovis24.

Short paper (2 pages) deadline: 15 May 2024

Abstract (300 words) deadline: 1 June 2024

Notification of acceptance: 15 June 2024

Registration deadline: 15 July 2024

If you need a visa to Poland to participate, or have other questions about the workshop, please contact the local organizers at carto-vis-workshop@uw.edu.pl.

Registration and Costs

Please visit our workshop website for registration details: http://carto-vis-workshop.uw.edu.pl/

There is no conference fee for attendance at the workshop.
The optional cost will be connected with a voluntary group dinner taking place in the evening after the workshop concludes.

MapAI 2023 – Presentation Videos & Collaborative Results

We are pleased to report that the Pre-ICC Workshop on Cartography and AI (MapAI 2023) was well-attended in person and online on August 12th. We had a fantastic range of lightning talks presented by our speakers, and a really engaging afternoon of collaborative work and discussion thereafter.

Video recordings are now available for the presentations given by our speakers at MapAI 2023. The talks are split into two main parts, and a guide below can be used to browse each video.

Part 1 – Video Available Here:

MapAI 2023 Workshop Introduction
Arzu Coltekin, FHNW Switzerland

Department of Geography & Environmental Studies Overview
Jaco Kemp, Stellenbosch University

What is a map? Questions about what makes a map a map and the potential for the layers in CartoAI
Carolyn Fish, University of Oregon The Use of AI in Atlas Projects Zhaoxu Sui,

University of Oregon Diffusion in Cartography – Opportunities and Challenges
Raimund Schnürer, Sidi Wu and Lorenz Hurni, ETH Zürich

Deep learning empowering global geospatial data production: Examples from industry Leigh Lotter, LuxCarta & Stellenbosch University

Adapting and Personalizing Maps with AI Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Cartography: From Sequence Visualization to Interpretation
Standa Popelka, Palacky University Olomouc

Using Eye Tracking and AI to Personalize Map Reading: The importance of open benchmark datasets
Merve Keskin, NLS Finland

AI for personalising maps and its dangers
Tumasch Reichenbacher, University of Zürich

Where can combining eye-tracking and artificial intelligence take us?
Pyry Kettunen, NLS Finland

Part 2 – Video Available Here:

The Ethics of AI-Generated Maps: A Study of DALL·E 2 and Implications for Cartography
Yuhao Kang, Qianheng Zhang and Robert Roth, University of Wisconsin Madison

The Intersection of AI, Trust, and Cartography
Tim Prestby, Penn State University

The importance of trust in maps
Marketa Beitlova, Palacký University Olomouc

Potential Implications of Artificial Intelligence Generated Maps in the Dissemination of Misinformation
Noah Mead & Amy Griffin, RMIT University

Deepfake Maps and Satellite Images: Implications and Opportunities
Aileen Buckley, Esri

The Challenges of Using AI to Promote Further Learning in Cartographic Education
Lily Houtman, Penn State University

Creativity, Labor, & Cartography in the Age of AI
Jack Swab, University of Kentucky

Explainable AI – A Cartographic Imperative
André Skupin, San Diego State University

Results from Collaborative Research Question Development

Online Participation for the MapAI 2023 Workshop

A lot of folks have asked us about an online option for participation. We will do our best to run a live stream of the lightning talks between 9:00 and 12:00 on Saturday August 12th (GMT +2). Rolling power outages have been frequent in recent weeks, so we will do our best to stay connected and streaming.

We will also record this session and share the talks some time after the meeting concludes.

The final Agenda for our workshop can be viewed here (PDF).

To register for and participate in the MapAI 2023 livestream on Zoom, please use this link:
