We would like to invite all of you attending the upcoming International Cartographic Conference in Washington, DC to take part in Visual Analytics Commission sessions and other activities.
We are very excited to feature 29 talks across 8 dedicated sessions. You can see the full details by going to this link and expanding the Visual Analytics grouping at the bottom of the list of track topics.
We will also be hosting our bi-annual Visual Analytics Commission Meeting, held on Wednesday, July 5th from 12:30 – 1:20PM in Delaware B. At our business meeting we will propose some ideas for future commission related activities, and we look forward to hearing from you about what you’d like this group to focus on going forward. We are also especially interested to hear from potential volunteers (yes, students too!) in this meeting who would like to take a more active role in shaping what happens in the years ahead.
Finally, at the ICC we will be taking part in a special session highlighting a new slate of cartography research agenda papers that are forthcoming in the International Journal of Cartography. These five articles will be briefly summarized in a session on Wednesday, July 5th from 4:10 – 5:50 in Delaware B. The Visual Analytics commission led the development of one of these five articles, found here.
All five articles will eventually be released in a special, open-access issue of the International Journal of Cartography.
We hope to see you in DC next week!