Our Commission Terms of Reference for 2019-2023 are as follows:
The Commission on Visual Analytics will:
- Promote and advance visual analytics in cartography, which is the science of analytical reasoning as supported by interactive visual interfaces to spatio-temporal data.
- Develop science, technology, and design approaches to address major challenges associated with geographic information analysis and synthesis that enable users to solve key societal and environmental problems.
- Foster interdisciplinary and international collaboration between potential users of geospatial visual analytics and researchers, as well as between allied research communities in other disciplines and other ICA Commissions.
The Commission will achieve this vision by:
- Actively disseminating technical and methodological advances in cartographic visual analytics through workshops, seminars, edited special issues of journals, and peer-reviewed publications – with linkages to other ICA Commissions and allied organizations in other fields.
- Conducting annual meetings, workshops, or tutorials to develop research in key thematic areas, partnering with international conferences and other ICA commissions to expand our reach beyond traditional venues and audiences and to diversify who engages with visual analytics in the ICA.
- Recruiting and retaining two co-chairs and bolstering the core membership to help guide Commission activities and foster collaboration within and outside of the ICA.
- Maintaining a dedicated web presence and engaging with members via social media to highlight Commission activities and promote participation beyond attendance at in-person meetings through new forms of distance collaboration.