The ICA Commission on Visual Analytics welcomes you to join special sessions and activities at the upcoming 2019 International Cartographic Conference to be held from July 15th – 20th in Tokyo, Japan.
The preliminary conference program has been posted here, and you will see several sessions sponsored by our Commission taking place on Friday, July 19th:
T27-1 Social Applications of Geovisual Analytics
Room: Conference Room 2 (Plaza Heisei)
Datetime: Fri 19th July 10:50-12:10
Chair: Anthony Robinson (The Pennsylvania State University)
T27-1-1 Visual Analytics for Regional Economic Environment Factors Based on a Dashboard Design
Chenyu Zuo, Linfang Ding, Liqiu Meng
T27-1-2 Reasoning about Socio-Economic Data: A Visual Analytics Approach to Bayesian Network
Ekaterina Chuprikova, Liqiu Meng
T27-1-3 Geovisual analysis of VGI for understanding people’s behaviour in relation to multifaceted context
Natalia Andrienko, Gennady Andrienko, Siming Chen, Dirk Burghardt, Alexander Dunkel, Ross Purves
T27-2 Design & Computation in Geovisualization
Room: Conference Room 2 (Plaza Heisei)
Datetime: Fri 19th July 14:50-16:10
Chair: Arzu Coltekin (University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Northwestern Switzerland)
T27-2-1 On the relevance of cartography — An interaction design perspective
Sebastian Meier, Jordi Tost, Frank Heidmann
T27-2-2 Given the problem of projection, are heat maps an oxymoron?
Daniel Strebe
T27-2-3 The Levenshtein distance as a measure of mirror symmetry and homogeneity for binary digital patterns
Godfried Theodore Toussaint
T27-3 Visualizing Flows & 3D Geovisualization
Room: Conference Room 2 (Plaza Heisei)
Datetime: Fri 19th July 16:40-18:00
Chair: TBD (TBD)
T27-3-1 Creating Maps of Artificial Spaces for Exploring Trajectories
Gennady Andrienko, Natalia Andrienko
T27-3-2 Workflow for 3D geovisualization of the data obtained with the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Augmented Reality
Łukasz Halik, Maciej Smaczyński, Beata Medyńska-Gulij
T27-3-3 Geovisualization of complex origin-destination flow maps using Discrete Global Grid Systems
Paulo Raposo
T27-3-4 Using Focus + Context Techniques to Visualize Building Information Model in virtual Geo-Environment
Shen Ying, Chengpeng Li, Weiyang Li, Naibin Chen, Zhigang Zhao
In addition, we would love to see you at our Commission Meeting, which will be held on Friday, July 19th – 12:10 – 13:30 in Plaza Heisei Conference Room 2.