Download the final programme (14 June 2016).
List of papers:
G. Andrienko, N. Andrienko, C. Claramunt, G. Fuchs and C. Ray, Visual Analysis of Vessel Traffic Safety by Extracting Events and Orchestrating Interactive Filters (slides)
P. Bereuter, M. Fillekes and R. Weibel, Analyzing GPS and Accelerometer Data in the Study of the Mobility, Activity and Social Interaction of Older Adults (paper)
J. Borgdorff, W. van Hage, L.J. Dijkstra, E. Mancini and M.H. Lees, Simulation-supported Urban Movement Analysis (paper)
V.S. Brum-Bastos, J.A. Long and U. Demšar, Dynamic Trajectory Annotation for Integrating Environmental and Movement Data (paper)
M. Buchin and S. Sijben, Model-Based Segmentation and Classication of Gull Trajectories (paper, slides)
P. Gijsbers, F. Timmers, M. Konzack, M.A. Westenberg and K. Buchin, Visual Exploration of Migration Patterns in Gull Data (paper, slides, video)
C. Meijer, S. Verhoeven, E. Ranguelova, C.J. Camphuysen, J. Shamoun-Baranes and W. Bouten, Visually Supported Annotation of Bird Tracking data and Subsequent Classification of Behaviour using Machine Learning (paper)
J. Szegö, Birds in Woods. Invididual and Group Movements. 4D Analyses and Visualization of Forage Seeking Activities of Paridae-species
C. Yang and G. Gidófalvi, Interactive Visual Exploration of Most Likely Movements (paper, slides)